—- I have compiled and am now releasing a collection of 25 sample company cover letters ready to use for an E-2 visa application, based on the Top 25 businesses / industries, in editable .doc format

These letters are based on the current TOP 25 types of E-Visa businesses in various industries or specialities. A perfect place to start your E-2 cases off right!
These letters, while based on actual cases, have been altered enough with fictitious names and places, — although authentic in look and feel – to protect the identities of clients and their businesses along with any proprietary information.
If you have previously purchased my E-Visa Toolkit for Lawyers, the document library is $49.99
If you do NOT have the Toolkit, and want to purchase this template library as a stand-alone product, the cost is $199.
Once your payment has been verified, the document library will delivered to you electronically by downloadable link.* PLEASE NOTE: As soon as your payment clears on PAYPAL, you MUST click on the “return to merchant” button to receive the download link!
- by purchasing this product, you are attesting to the following:
- I am a licensed attorney from a U.S. jurisdiction and can provide proof of applicable Bar Membership.
- I am eligible to currently practice U.S. law and advise on U.S. matters of law. (not suspended, disbarred, or otherwise ineligible to practice).
- The practice of U.S. Immigration Law is a significant component of my law practice.
* The document library has just completed its first stage of production. Please let me know if there are any errors or problems: [email protected]
Last Revision: 2023-7-12