Estate Planning (in Florida)

So, have you prepared for the unthinkable? Are you prepared for when the unexpected happens to YOU?

Since I began practicing U.S. Immigration Law nearly 10 years ago, I have always been mindful of the specific needs of my foreign-born clients. In the course of my work, I frequently find that 97% of my clients have taken at least some steps to prepare for the possibility of serious disability, life-threatening hospitalization, incapacity or even death,… in their home country. However, less than 5% of foreign-national clients living in the United States have done any such preparations after they arrive in America.

Having documents like a Will (or Testament), a Living Will, a Power-of-Attorney, a Healthcare Surrogate Designation, a Do-Not-Resucitate-Order, or Revocable Living Trust is essential in any so-called “estate plan”, as an important tool to protect one’s most valuable possessions, providing for family, and making important life-changing decisions when one cannot speak for oneself.

What IF you died tomorrow…?  What do you leave behind…?

When the unexpected or catastrophic happens, and you have no estate plan in place in the United States, you CANNOT just rely on a Florida court (or other U.S. Court) recognizing or enforcing any “foreign” documents you may have from your home country.  Having to go through so-called “probate” is time-consuming and can be very complicated, and ultimately NOT result in way that you would have wanted…  your wishes may not be honored.

This is ESPECIALLY TRUE when you own and operate a U.S. business, or if you have other significant assets (= items of high value) in the United States:

• If you own a business, or have a part-ownership in a business,
• If you own real estate,
• If you own significant assets, like boats, and other special vehicles,
• If you have children or grandchildren,
• If you have significant health issues, or family history of health issues.

Recognizing this highly critical need for my clients, I am now offering additional services, including more business and transactional law, and most significantly, Estate Planning.

I am sending you this message to let you know of some exciting special packages I have developped and am now offering. I am now offering 2 distinct Estate Planning Services, as discounted introductory offers.  This offer not only extends to YOU, my client, but also to anyone you directly know and recommend to me for possible representation.

OPTION 1:   Comprehensive Basic Florida Estate Plan.

  • For clients who currently HAVE NO estate plan in the U.S. This option consists of the basic necessary documents: (1) Will (or Testament), (2) a Living Will, (3) a Power-of-Attorney, and (4) a Healthcare Surrogate Designation.

OPTION 2:   Review/Modify your current Estate Plan.

  • For clients who have some estate planning documents already, but want to have them reviewed or updated, due to a change in personal circumstances. Such circumstances can include events like recent births, recent deaths, getting married, getting divorced, changes in business ownership, buying or selling real estate, etc.

There is no time like the present to reduce the day-to-day uncertainty of not knowing what might happen and when.  Do NOT leave things to chance! Do NOT wait until the time comes when you can no longer make critical decisions.  Do NOT postpone getting your estate plan together.

Please let me know when I can begin assisting you with this. Email or call me to make an appointment, FREE OF CHARGE, so we can get started on giving you and your family peace-of-mind. I look forward to hearing from you!

Last Revision: 2024-10-4